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Things to think about when selling a home.

Once we get offers on your home, that's when the real fun begins. It can be stressful if you don't receive the amount you were hoping for but don't worry, that's why you hire a good negotiator like myself.

Hi, I'm Stephanie Martenzi, super mom, super agent with Southland Properties. Once we receive offers on your home, there are few essential components that need to be done prior to meeting with you to discuss the offers. We vet all of the buyers by calling the agent and the lender and making sure that the buyer is truly qualified. We also verify all of their funds and we ask some critical questions. We wanna find out how motivated they are and how in love the buyer is with your property.

During this process, we also are getting to learn about the buyer's agent and the lender and to see how much experience they have. Have they properly educated their buyer? And also to get an idea as to how they're going to be when we work with them. Believe it or not, the buyer's agent is just as important to ensuring the deal will close as the buyer's qualifications.

After vetting the buyer, their realtor and their lender, then I meet with you to discuss the offer and review terms. I will give you our advice on the offers in regards to the pros and the cons of each but ultimately, you make the decision as to which offer to take and what to counter. Now, if we have more than one offer, there is another process that we go through. We give an offer deadline date. Then we do a counter offer to all of the offers requesting them. We ask for their highest and best offer. Once we have those in hand, we meet with you to discuss which of those offers you would like to counter.

Generally, this gives us an opportunity to get a higher price from the buyer and better terms for you. At this time, the buyers can choose to accept our terms or to counter us back. You have the opportunity to choose which offer you would like to take at this time. And again, we will advise you as to the pros and the cons. Once we come to terms, we are now officially in escrow. Understand that in most cases, if you're dealing with a loan, the average timeframe to close on a home is about 30 days, give or take. If you're dealing with cash, you could close in as little as three days but seven to 10 days is more realistic.

This is Stephanie Martenzi, super mom, super agent with Southland Properties, here to help you have a fun, empowered and informed real estate experience by guiding you every step of the way. If you see me out in the community, make sure to say hi.


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