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Real Estate National Market Update #4

Are we finally at the top of the market? Should I buy a home right now? Should I wait for a downturn in the market?

These are all great questions and I get them all the time by the way.

Hi, I'm Stephanie Martenzi, Super Mom Super Agent with Southland Properties. And I'm here to help you understand the ever-changing market that we are currently living in.

Let's take a look at what the experts are saying about the home prices and how they will appreciate.

HPES has showcased their projections on appreciation, placing us at a 9% in 2022 with a low of 3.41% in 2025, then back up again in 2026.

Let's break down 2022 some more and ask more experts what they think 2022 home price appreciation will look like.

Fannie Mae gives the highest percentage at 10.8% with Freddie Mac close behind at 10.4%. Zelman and National Association of Realtors are giving similar feedback but Mortgage Brokers Association is coming in much lower than the rest at 6.2 appreciation. This all averages out to about 9% in home price appreciation this year 2022.

So with home prices expected to continue rising at higher than normal rates for the rest of the year, now will be a great time to buy.

If you have any other questions about the market, reach out to me and I can help you decide what's best for your family in this market.

This is Stephanie Martenzi, Super Mom Super Agent with Southland Properties, here to help you have a super fun, empowered and informed real estate experience by guiding you every step of the way. If you see me out in the community, make sure to say hi.


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