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Pad Thai vs. Pad Thai : Super Food Battle Azusa!

S : Lydia, we are here! We are ready for the super battle!

L : ¡Yeah!

S : Between... Okay, which one was this one?

L : This one is Phang Roy.

S : Phang Roy in Azusa. These are both Thai places in Azusa, and we are trying out their Pad Thai… Mm!

L : Pad Thai!

S : And then this one?

L : This one is Thai Chef.

S: Thai Chef and Pang Pang...

L: Phang Roy.

S : Oh! Phang Roy! Phang Roy and Thai Chef. They're both off of Citrus Avenue in the city of Asuza. We thought it would be just nice and quick. Stop at one, stop at the other one.

L : Yeah.

S : Right. Ooh, we got some toasted peanuts. Oh my gosh!

L : Mhm.

S : If you could just smell this toasted peanuts. What do we have over here?

L : So, not toasted peanuts, which I think is more traditional.

S : So we have Phang... We should have put this one in front of you. Phang Roy. That's very, um... It's, it's a...

S : It's very vanilla.

S : Very vanilla, very...

L : Color.

S : Not... Well, but the thing is, the noodles may not be bright in color, as bright as Thai Chef. Because that is like a bright, like a red orange.

L : Yeah.

S: More traditional you said, right? So you've got the toasted peanuts, which are a very deep, dark brown. Then we've got the shredded carrots.

L: And cabbage.

S : And cabbage. And we've got green onion. Both of 'em have that, the green onion.

L : Green onion.

S : But we also have the cilantro on top and this was...

L : Lime.

S : This came with the lime. Now we've already squeezed it on top. All right. So, taste test.

L : All right. Let me get some of this one.

S : Yeah. Oh, and they're both chicken. So we got chicken Pad Thai. The chicken over on the Phang Roy.

L : It looks like they're both chicken breast.

S : Okay, yes. Definitely. Phang Roy, the pieces are much smaller. There's a lot, but it's just... they're smaller pieces compared to Thai Chef.

L : They're bigger chunks.

S : All right, let me see.

L : What do we think? What do we think?

S : Very sweet.

L : Oh, I got a lot. Sweet, huh?

S : Very sweet.

L : So one of the traditional ingredients in Pad Thai is usually palm sugar.

S : Oh! I think the lime brings it out more though.

L : Okay. So even though it's kinda vanilla looking.

S : It's got flavor. There's flavor packed in there. Even though, like you said, the color isn't necessarily a representation of as much color as, you know... as much flavor as it actually has.

S : They are sweet. _ Mhm. Chewy consistency.

L : Mhm, mhm.

S : Ooh!

L : Do you like it with chili?

S : I love the chili. And I know it's like mass produced. They didn't make it themselves, but oh! I just like that, oh the smell.

L : Mm.

S : I don't, I usually do not get meat in my... if I do, my protein is usually shrimp. Because I'm like... It's kinda hard not, ya know... to go wrong with shrimp.

S : With shrimp. Because, either it's too chewy or it just tastes old or like I'm super particular...

L : Picky about it?

S : When it comes to my protein and my meats.

L : Okay!

S : It's okay.

S : Okay.

S : I would prolly not. Again, I would...

L : This one did not come with lime.

S : Oh yeah.

L : So lime, lime might actually kick it up a notch.

S : But see, these noodles don't stick as much.

L : They don't.

S : That's a different taste. Mm. These aren't sweet, they're tangy.

S : They are tangy.

S : But I don't know where the tang comes from. Where does your tang come from?

L : Okay. We'll get the... Even though this seems to me, a little more traditional. I like those steamy nuts.

S : The chicken in Phang Roy has more flavor.

L : Oh okay.

S : This one over here.

L : This one doesn't have much flavor.

S : No, it feels more like an afterthought. Here, it feels like they almost maybe marinated it.

L : Mm.

S : Ooh. Now going from one to the other and going back. You can definitely taste how overcooked these noodles are.

L : Mhm.

S : But...

L : Everything else swings.

S : My, this is my choice.

L : All right! That's the verdict.

S : This is my choice. Which one's yours? That one?

L : I have to go with Phang Roy as well.

S : This is it, yeah. If they, if the noodles were just a little bit more, like firmer.

L : Mhm.

S : A little more lime. I think, like it would be the perfect Pad Thai. Yep, that's our verdict! Phang Roy wins today's Pad Thai versus Pad Thai super battle.

L : And that's only in our eyes. We want you guys to tell us your opinion. So vote below.

S : See you later!


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