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Is Your House the Top Thing on a Buyer’s Wish List this Holiday Season? Explore the Benefits of Sell

As the holiday season approaches, homeowners contemplating a move face the perennial question: sell now or wait until after the holidays? Contrary to the common belief that the real estate market slows down during this time, an article from Fortune Builders suggests otherwise:

". . . while a majority of people take a step back from the real estate market during the holiday months, you may find when the temperature drops, your potential for a great real estate deal starts to rise."

Here are four compelling reasons to consider selling your house during the holiday season:

  • Continuous Desire to Own: The desire to own a home doesn't pause during the holidays. Buyers in this season are often motivated and eager to make a move. According to Investopedia, anyone shopping for a home between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is likely to be a serious buyer, potentially leading to a quicker sale. A recent article from Investopedia says:

“Anyone shopping for a new home between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is likely going to be a serious buyer. Putting your home on the market at this time of year and attracting a serious buyer can often result in a quicker sale.”

  • Limited Inventory: Despite a recent increase, overall housing inventory remains lower than pre-pandemic levels. This scarcity can work in your favor if you price your house at market value, attracting buyers eager for more options.

  • Flexible Showing Times: Selling during the holidays allows you to choose convenient days and times for home showings, minimizing disruptions to your schedule. Buyers may also be more flexible around the holidays, with additional time off from work.

  • Holiday Decor Appeal: Homes adorned with holiday decorations appeal to many buyers. The festive atmosphere helps buyers envision creating their own memories in the home. When selling during the holidays, it's advised to keep decorations balanced, allowing the home's features to shine. An article on selling at this time of year offers this advice:

“If you’re selling around a holiday and have decorations up, make sure they accent—not overpower—a room. Less is more.

Bottom Line: Selling your house during the holiday season offers unique advantages. Let's connect to explore if now is the right time for you to sell and make the most of the current real estate market. #HolidayRealEstate #SellYourHome #RealEstateSeason"


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