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Is Your Home Ready to Sell?

Will your home pass the test?

Can you sell your home right now for top dollar, or do you need to do a few things to make sure you can sell at the highest price on your investment?

Hi, I'm Stephanie Martenzi, super mom, super agent with Southland Properties. Let's take the quiz to see if your home passes the sell for top dollar test right now, right here.

Are you ready?

So, first of all, when you walk up to your home, does it have curb appeal? Does it have fresh landscaping, maybe a bit of black bark, with fresh, bright flowers? How about the plants and the trees? Is your lawn lavish and green, or is it yellow and crispy? What about the exterior of your home? Could it use new trim, or maybe the front door needs some touch-up, or possibly even a new paint job?

Remember, this is literally the first impression a buyer's going to have when they enter your home. You need to hire someone that's going to be honest with you and maybe hurt your feelings, just a little bit, on what you can do to help improve your investment.

Second, have you done the three Ds, declutter, depersonalize, and deep cleaning, and I mean deep cleaning, including the baseboards, scuff marks, cleaning up, changing out old light bulbs. Yes, all these little things matter. Are the walls painted a neutral color? Have you patched holes? Do you have carpets that maybe haven't been cleaned in over 10 years? This isn't gonna cut it. You're not gonna get top dollar. So, do you have updated flooring, or maybe some countertops that you just upgraded? Are your cabinets 15 years old, or maybe you've updated those.

See all these little details matter.

Third, and this is a big one, the smell test. OMG, I don't know if you knew this, but most people have a smell to their home. I know it sounds gross, but it's true. Do you do a lot of cooking? And if someone came over tonight, it would smell like you just finished cooking Thanksgiving dinner? Again, a smelly house is a no-go.

Have you truly compared your home to the competition? I mean, everyone, including myself, thinks they have the best home on the block. Is your home partially staged, or fully staged with furniture to ensure it shows to the best of its ability?

So I challenge you, take the quiz, and on a scale from one to 10, find out if you're ready to put your house on the market right now and sell for top dollar. Or if you need to make a few changes, and by the way, most of us have to make some changes. If I were to sell my house today, I would have a very long honey-do list.

Now I'm Stephanie Martenzi, super mom, super agent with Southland Properties, here to help you have a fun, empowered, and informed real estate experience by guiding you every step of the way. If you see me out in the community, make sure to say hi.


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