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Happy Seller : Meet Rhonda

My mom passed away and so, we were left with her house, also with a reverse mortgage. So time was of the essence. So it was something we had to do right away without any thought or anything.

So it was hurry, hurry and sell. And that's why we had to sell the house.

I knew Stephanie from when she was my client, when she worked at another place. And then I watched her on social media become a super agent and I watched all the videos and all the home sales, and I really liked her, anyhow, we were, you know, friendly and friends, even though we had kinda lost track, but I watched her grow in her role. And when my mom passed away and we had to sell the house there was nobody else I could imagine working with, other than Stephanie.

She's, you can just tell, if you just look at her social media, you can tell she's nice and committed and enthusiastic and bubbly and a super mom, as well.

Stephanie is so nice and so enthusiastic. She listened to all our concerns. She answered all my questions and I had a lot, because this is the first time I'd ever sold a home and under these conditions, it was difficult and she was always communicative, she let me know every step of the way what was going to happen.

I never felt concern. I never felt worry. She was so nice. And I just, I can't say enough good things about working with her.

I kind of wanna sell my house, just so I can work with her again. And, like I said, every step of the way just told us everything that was gonna happen, explained all the paperwork. So wonderful. It was just such a great experience. And given the reason why I had to sell the home, because my mom had just passed away, having someone like Stephanie to work with was just really helped so much, because it wasn't the best situation for me anyhow.

I was going through a lot of emotions, but she was there with me every step of the way. And my husband and every question he had I would text her, every question I had I would text her and she'd respond right away. And I just can't say enough great things.

You should use Stephanie. And everybody who even mentions selling or buying, I always mention Stephanie to them, because I can't imagine the experience being better.

My stepmother was a real estate agent and I watched her grow her business through kindness and caring and being there for people, and that's the way Stephanie is.

So, I would definitely recommend to work with Stephanie.

You will not be disappointed.


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