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Before You List Your Home!

A question that I often get asked about is the timeline when selling your home.

So what should you expect?

Well, we need to get the home ready for sale. You wanna be really careful not to just slap the home on the MLS prior to having it in show ready condition. This video will give you an idea of a few things that you need to think about prior to letting buyers into your home.

Hi, I'm Stephanie Martenzi, Super Mom Super Agent with Southland Properties.

After we meet and you decide to list with us, we will give you a contract to sign.

Once we have an executed contract, we will then schedule an appointment with our stager to come over and give you recommendations on what you can do to enhance the appearance of your home.


Because we wanna maximize the return on your investment.

But don't worry, there's no additional cost to you for this service. But this is essential because research shows the importance of staging in relation to the amount of money you will get on your home, as well as how quickly your home will sell. We also offer free-of-charge partial

staging on your home. Once the home is in show ready condition, we will then schedule our professional photographer to come to the home to capitalize on all of the unique features of your home. When we have the pictures and video, we will work on the backend marketing of your property.

This is one of the most important parts of getting you the most amount of money for your home. We don't just put up a sign in front of your home and stick it on the MLS. It's much more detailed than that. We have a very strategic, comprehensive digital marketing strategy that we utilize. This involves running highly targeted ad campaigns across multiple social media platforms.

Please note, just posting your home on an agent's Facebook page is not enough. Only a small fraction of people are actually seeing it like the agent's family and friends. So we properly expose your home across multiple social media platforms.

During this time, we will also recommend whether or not you should have any inspections done prior to listing your home. We will also go over all the disclosures with you so that we can have these available to buyers. So when they're ready to put an offer in, they're fully aware of the condition of the home.

And don't forget, we're also on major sites like Zillow and You name it, we are there.

Now that we're live, you can expect to have agents calling us to take your clients through your home to see it. The buyer's agent will accompany them all the time. So don't worry about that. The time of year and the market conditions will determine how long your home will take to sell.

And again, this is Stephanie Martenzi, Super Mom Super Agent with Southland Properties, here to help you have a fun, empowered, and informed real estate experience by guiding you every step of the way. If you see me out in the community, make sure to say hi.


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